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Control the inflow of sand in your Well

With focus on keeping formation sand in place and delivering an evenly distributed flow profile we offer a portfolio of specialised sand control options by leading manufacturers that supply premium metal mesh and direct wrap sand screens which have undergone rigorous testing and are qualified to ISO 17824 V1.

Our sand control screens are made with a wire jacket shrink-wrapped directly to the basepipe. Screen components are welded to each other, but there is no welding between the screen and the basepipe, enabling the screen and basepipe to act as a single unit and ensuring that the tension, compression, and torque ratings of the screen are nearly the same as those of the basepipe. 


Wide range of sand screens and inflow control devices (ICDs) for production and injector wells


We can assist to select the proper screen fo the following applications:

  • Sand and conformance control

  • Unconsolidated formations

  • Horizontal completions

  • Open-hole packer completions

  • Heavy oil and HPHT wells

  • Production and injection wells

  • Multilateral wells

Sand control products enhance well productivity by working to eliminate or mitigate the consequences of sand production. We provide sand control solutions for both open hole and cased hole sand control applications, including both production and injection wells. Screen selection involves a multidisciplinary,
integrated approach that combines reservoir
engineering, completion design, wellbore
preparation, and filter cake removal. 

Inflow control valves (ICV) help to maintain uniform inflow and injection rates, respectively, across the entire length of the interval in openhole completions, even in the presence of permeability variations and thief zones.

Combined with the strength and accuracy of sand control screens, they give you an intelligently integrated flow management system that regulates itself without the need for downhole telemetry.

During injection applications, fluid flows through the  injection ICD before entering the reservoir. Low-permeability zones receive more fluid than they would in conventional completions. The more uniform injectivity improves sweep—and hydrocarbon recovery.

Improve your Oil recovery with ICV systems to delay water and gas inflow through the sand control completion

We are here to help you solve your toughest well completion goals

Production efficiency comes with the proper well design and completion. We offer and deliver best-in-class technologies and tools to meet and exceed your expectation to be sure in well integrity and performance



+ 7 727 3563500

Zharokova Str, 272B 

Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan


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